Study Skills

(AP) President Bush endorses his new education initiative, which he says "worked for me!"

Betting Barney

(AP) President Bush's shtick to get Israel & Palestinans back to the table... by sending Barney in to do some damage..

Teaching Tolerance

(AP) Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry tells the students to stop making fun of his cowboy boots.

Swift Touts Taste:

(AP) Massachusetts Acting Governor Jane Swift tells reporters, "You won't get home cooking like this if you let Mitt Romney into the corner office."

Pope Braces

(AP) Pope John Paul II braces in the Pope-Mobile as it quickly accelerates past 5 MPH.

Tax Rebate Fails to Stimulate Local Economy

George W. Bush Replaces Cabinet Members with Carp, Chicken Head

McDonald's Announces Sponsorship of Third-World Child, Famil

TCAT Unveils New Historically-Replicated Bus

Ford Motor Corporation Contradicts Itself

Athol, Massachusetts Makes a Mockery of Itself (But we're laughing with you, not at you)

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