TCAT Unveils New Historically-Replicated Bus

(Ithaca) May 13, 2001 -- Tompkins Counsolidated Area Transit, or TCAT, announced a new historically-replicated bus.

General Manager Rod Ghearing held a surprise press conference to unveil the new Amish-"Buggy-Style" bus.

"After the enormous press attention our trolley-replica received, we decided to push further back in time," Ghearing explained.

The new buggy-style bus uses domesticated horses to pull its load along the system's Route 10 which travels between West Seneca Street and Collegetown.

(AP) Tompkins County residents can soon board the Buggy-Bus.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey, whose office was instrumental in securing the funds for the buggy, touted its potential environmental impact.

"The horse-drawn buggy relies only on natural resources. As the buggy moves, the only waste the bus will leave behind is fertilizer for our city-wide tree-growing campaign," Hinchey told reporters.

Ithaca is known for its liberal environmental policies.

When questioned whether it would exhaust CO2, Hinchey reluctantly admitted that it would, but added, "Carbon dioxide also helps our trees grow in the city-wide tree growing campaign."

Ghearing also pointed out another benefit to the buggy, saying, "In Ithaca and the surrounding Tompkins County, many people have rejected modern conveniences such as electricity, telephones, and natural-gas powered busses. We hope this will give them a viable alternative to bring money into the downtown area in hopes of revitalizing the downtown economy."

Ithaca Downtown Partnership leader Gary Ferguson agreed, but declined comment when reporters pointed out that the bus' route is rather small, and does not go into areas of the county where people have rejected the modern-day conveniences.

TCAT captured national attention in early April when it unvield its historically-themed trolley replica which runs on natural gas. Ghearing says that the new buggy-bus will be a delight for people young and old, and hopes that many people will choose to rent the buggy to use in their wedding processions.