After purchasing the latest version of Microsoft Money personal financial
software, I was unable to convert my existing files to the new version. I
contacted Microsoft technical support, their supposed "free" tech
support line (which is a long distance number, thus not exactly "free"
to the consumer, but free to Microsoft) to rectify the issue. The problem,
however, was not able to be resolved, and I made plans to return the software
for a refund.
Following the unsuccessful tech support call, a representative of Microsoft
called my home to administer a survey regarding my satisfaction with the tech
support incident. In response to my comments to the surveyor, I was contacted
by Microsoft, following up for additional information. In response to that
request, I sent the following summary of the complaint: |
----Original Message-----
From: Michael W.
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:16 PM
To: Linda Williams
Subject: Re: SRX0123456789 Michael W. Money Deluxe 2002
Hello and thank you for your follow-up response.
I did contact Microsoft technical support for this issue, and unfortunately
was not fully satisfied with the resolution. My issue was not at all with
the technician, but rather with the fact that my problem was unable to be
I have used MS Money software now for roughly the last 5 years, and I have
always upgraded the next latest version when it has become available. I have
never had any issues in converting my current or archived Money files to the
newest version as I have upgraded along.
To recap what should already be detailed in my case file referencing the
aforementioned case number in the subject line, I purchased Money 2002 Deluxe
on October 3 at Staples, and attempted to install and run the software. The
installation was successful; however, on each attempt to convert any of my
Money files, be they the primary or saved back-up copies, the conversion was
unsuccessful. I did call Microsoft technical support via the "free"
toll number, and was referred to support article # Q274584 for further information
on the Microsoft Super Salvage Utility, supplementing the Salvage utility
already on the Money CD. I followed the instructions given by the support
technician and contained within this article, and was successful in running
two levels of the salvage utility. However, again when I attempted to use
any of the files from any of the conversions and salvages, the same error
message was encountered, and the conversion within Money was unsuccessful.
When I uninstalled Money 2002 and reinstalled Money 2001, I have had no problems
in using any of the files (current or archived, primary or back-up), and I
am continuing to use that version now with the same file.
Pursuant to the technician's recommendation, if the Super Salvage Utility
did not work, I returned the product along with a copy of the original sales
receipt to your San Jose, CA MBG Returns Department on October 16 (USPS Tracking
# 0300 1290 0008 1468 4385) for a refund of the purchase price.
Again, allow me to reiterate that the dissatisfaction which I expressed in
my survey was in no way directed towards the support technician personally
(the gentleman was very helpful and spoke in clear, technical terminology
neither talking down to me or too over my head), but rather was directed at
the following:
I paid $59.95 for a Microsoft product, which I did not feel performed in-line
with specifications.
Though I recognize that it is considered "free" technical support
because I do not pay a flat fee directly to Microsoft, I still must pay long
distance fees for the call, so it is not "free" in the end for the
In addition to the cost of the long distance call, I also paid shipping fees
in order to return the product which I presume will not be refunded, even
though the product did not appear to perform properly.
I was somewhat dissatisfied that, aside from the Super Salvage Utility, there
was nothing else that could be done, rendering the resolution to the problem
to be to either re-create the entire file and go through the tedious task
of exporting/importing account information (and still have to re-enter from
scratch loan account information, scheduled bills/deposits et al) or to return
the software for a refund.
If unsuccessful to use this version, I will apparently not be able to upgrade
to Money 2003 and whatever future versions there may be.
Thank you for your follow-up. Any further information you can provide would
be appreciated, and if you could also please advise when I should expect a
refund check in the mail.
Thank you again.
Michael W.
