I have always been amused by the occassional mindlessness of our favorite television news anchors. When people watch, it seems rather conversational ... perhaps it even makes sense! But when transcribed *verbatim* the story changes entirely.... Below is a sampling of some finer moments, the context in which they were made, and the station on which they were broadcast.

October 31, 2000

..after a story about kids at Halloween...

Aaron: Well I don't know about you guys, but I liked the Egyptian girls there, they were pretty crazy...

Cara: I like the little princess...

Aaron: Did you like the princess?

Cara: I always liked getting dressed up as a kid.

Aaron: Did you?

Cara: I kind of miss it...

Aaron: The candy's the best part.

Cara: It defnitely is because it lasts days and days afterwards

Aaron: That's right, that's right. (Haha)

February 8, 2001

..after a Sportscast...

Jeff: I have to ask you, Dave,

Dave: What--

Jeff: will they be using the big word, the Dave Lefcheck big word of the night, Juggernaut?

Dave: Juggernaut. Yeah. I, I'm not sure if juggernaut will appear at all this weekend, but, uh, three times tonight, that must be some sort of record...

Jeff: It is a record. I think you're really excited about juggernaut.

Dave: Juggernaut.

Jenny: Juggernaut. And plethora.

Jeff: And plethora.

Dave: plethora.

Jeff: Juggernaut and plethora.

Jenny: Very interesting!

Jeff: But before we get...

Dave: I'm a vocabulary machine tonight.

Jeff: Yes. Before we get into trouble, we should move on.

Dave: We should.

Jeff: OK.

Jenny: OK.

On Cincinatti's Channel 9 in May, 2001
Courtesy: Enquirer.com's John Kieswetter

Stacy: “Look at that. That's beautiful. Uh-huh!” observed Ms. Case when meteorologist Pete Delkus opened his segment Thursday with a weather shot.

Stacy: I need just a little bit of rain,” she told Mr. Delkus Wednesday. “I cut the grass too short. I'm in trouble at home.”

On Ithaca's NewsWatch 16:

...this happy-talk followed a rather serious story about Kellogg's Corporation purchasing the company that makes Keebler Elves...

Christina: There's gonna be absolutely no more Keebler Elves... they're going to be Kellogg Elves... I guess...

Matt: Then they're going to have to vacate that tree they live in...?

Christina: Oh, I don't know, Matt.

Matt: It looks like a nice little home there...

Christina: Ha ha! Maybe they'll call it the Kellogg Tree

Matt: I hope not!

Christina: Ha ha!

On Thursday, March 15, 2001 on WHDH-TV

...after a re-open which features all of the anchors in it....

Chris: Well, we can certainly see how Kim's hair has changed over the years...

Kim: Thanks for pointing that out...

Chris: No, it's because bangs are back in...

Kim: Which leads us to our next story on fashion for the summer season!

October 15, 2000, Ithaca's NewsWatch 16

...after a story about some very heavy rains...

Christina: Wow. Catfish swimming in the apartments.

Matt: Absolutely.

Christina: That's a lot of water. We, we have some water here, too. Are we going to have some more rain this weekend?

Nick: We've got a lot of water, but we're not going to be seeing any rainbow trout swimming in our basement.

Christina: Good!

Nick: But we do have a chance of seeing a fresh snow shower.

Christina: Wow! That's scary.

November 16, 2000, Ithaca's NewsWatch 16

...after a story about a high-tech and cool-gadget show...

Christina: I didn't know how to say that, "Aiebo," I'm guessing...

Matt: You know what kind of worries me, these robots that babysit, Christina, that's over a million 14-year olds out of a job.

Christina: I know! You're right! You know, all that money I made when I was 14... I don't know what I would...

Matt: I don't know. And then you got dogs that are responding... I hope it's not another Furby!

Christina: I know. But the E-Mails that smell... that could be ... definitely interesting... I don't know how... I'd like to, uh, ha ha!

Matt: I'm looking forward to rose scent coming out of my computer...

Christina: Yeah, I don't know that I'd want anything else though ... ha ha

Matt: Ha ha

Together: Alright, thanks for joining us.

Matt: Thank you very much for being here tonight on NewsWatch 16. I'm Matt LeBlanc.

Christina: And I'm Christina Medina. Stay tuned for, uh, next Sunday for NewsWatch 16...

April 12, 2001

NewsWatch 16,

Happy Talk After Sports -- First-hand account from anchorman Cayle Thompson

***The scene: 3 shot on Camera 1. Dave Lefchack, left. Cayle, center. Jenny Rizzo, right. Dave has just finished talking about sports. I had NO earthly idea what to “happy talk” about, so Jenny suggested the beautiful weather and how it was perfect to play out-door sports in... only I wasn’t paying attention to Dave when he finished up on indoor HOCKEY.

Dave: All the games in the NHL still scoreless, but it’s early on.

Cayle: Oh wow! That’s great! And, of course, what wonderful weather they’ve had to play with... I mean, you cannot ask for anything more!

Dave: It’s great weather. And... uh... the weather for the NHL play-offs is always the same. It’s 72 degrees indoors... so they always have great weather.

Cayle: Perfect, as always!

Jenny: HA!

Cayle: Thanks a lot, Dave.

Jenny: Thanks Dave.

Dave: No problem.

Happy Talk After Tiger Cub Story

NewsWatch 16

Thursday, April 12, 2001

First-hand account from anchorman Cayle Thompson

***The scene: Jenny Rizzo, right. Cayle, left. We’ve just finished reading a story on a 2-shot about baby tigers at the Berlin Zoo with VO of these vicious little boogers clawing at each other and squirming to get free of the people holding and smothering them with affection. Jenny thinks they’re cute... I think they’re deadly.

Jenny: Those cubs look so cute, don’t they!?!?

Cayle: Oh, they’re absolutely adorable! Well, until they get older and bite your hand off or something...

Jenny: I would LOVE to hold one of them! It’s so cool that they got to!

Cayle: Well, they are cute... they are cute when they’re little and I’m sure they’re absolutely adorable. But I don’t think I’d care for one in my house, personally.

Jenny: Well, I suppose you could get a pet pig or something else.

Cayle: I suppose I could.

Jenny: Something unique.

Cayle: Yeah... well, recapping our top stories tonight...

On Thursday, June 7, 2001 -- WHDH-TV Boston

...after a movie review about Evolution...

Chris: Gosh, I hope they caught that thing in Orlando Jones' leg before it was too late!

Kim: I know, I wonder how that all turned out?

Chris: I don't know, I'll have to watch the movie I guess.

Kim: Well, stay tuned!

Thomas from Boston reports that this exchange took place on May 30, 2001 -- WCVB-TV

Jim: Coming up tonight at 5 on NewsCenter 5, we'll meet some people coordinating a flower show, and also at five, we'll update the weekend's weather which is looking very nice. Join us for NewsCenter 5 at five.

Susan: Sounds like there's a lot going on for the five tonight!

Jim: Well, that and all the day's top stories...

Susan: It's a good thing we have you around to tell us about how interesing the five is going to be. I'm going home and plan on weeding my garden.... which means it's time to offer you a good day and thank you for watching NewsCenter 5. For Jim and David, I'm Susan Wornick. Have a nice afternoon ... and we won't hold out for you at five.

Jim: Have a good one everybody.

From WGMC-TV 3 in Worcester, MA on June 13, 2001 after an entertainment report about the new movie "Evolution"...

Jen: ...and mooning a the end.

Deb: I LOVE Duchovney! Where am I when he's mooning?! Getting popcorn!

Jen: This is our saga...

Deb: Can you help us out Kev?

Kev: I can't offer you that type of help, not at all!

From Jeff in Albany,

"Ben, here is some great happy talk from News10 tonight at 11!" WTEN-10 on Wednesday, June 20...

Sportscaster Dan Murphy: So there ya have it, Viagra will now be banned from dog racing, but as far as we know it won't be banned for non race related things...

Elisa Streeter: But aren't those dogs neutered?

Dan: Yes, but the drug was used to increased their heatrate!

Elisa: Oh...i see...

Terry McSweeney: I think we'll be right back...

During the August, 2001 heat-wave on WCVB-TV's "Midday Edition"

Reporter David Boerri is doign his sig out, throwing back to Susan Wornick:

David: David Boerri, NewsCenter 5.... so Susan, I know you like to tan, so we should trade places and you could get some foil and sun yourself out here...

Susan: But David, all of us back here at the station want to keep you out there so you'll start stripping layers of clothes off... we just want to see you in a T-Shirt!

David: Hahaha, Not likely, but I can promise you I'll stay out in the heat if that's worth anything....

Friday, August 17, 2001... related to the heat, happy-talk after sports at WGMC-TV between Kevin, Deb and Martin...

Kevin: So the pre-seaon training is already well under-way and Coach is very optimistic about the season...

Martin: Ok, sounds good Kevin. It was so hot out there on the field today...

Deb: Oh Kevin, just looking at those players makes me hot....

Kev: I'm sure they're all going to like hearing that coming from you Deb..."

During a 7News at Noon show... happy-talk between Kristi and Jonathan hints at tension at the News Station. This comes after a story about the demands celebtrities make of their venues before their performances (for example, having graham crackers and a big-screen TV with HBO on it before a show...). When reading this, the Kim Carrigan situation comes to mind. Who knows if that's what they were referring to.

Jonathan: Dave Letterman can get away with asking for royal treatment. He got what he wanted many years ago when he came here.

Kristi: Well we don't ask for anything.... because we won't get it.

Jonathan: Yeah, we know better than to ask, we'd just be wasting our breath.

Kristi: Hahahaha, well that will do it for 7News at Noon....

On WSTM-TV 3's Action News in late July, 2002... reported by a viewer in that DMA...

Don Lark was reading a story about a 130 year old India woman who is
supposedly the oldest person in the world. The VO they ran was of a very,
VERY aged woman so weak she could barely swat the flies that swarmed over
her. She had no teeth, no hair, and looked rather malnourished. Following
the story, Don turned to the sports anchor (whose name evades me) and had
the following conversation:

Don: Wow, for 130 she looks really good.
Bristol: For 130... I guess.
Don: Well I think she's a very attractive woman.
Bristol: [Puzzled look]
Don: Uh... for her age, that is.
Bristol: Say goodnight, Don.
Don: Good idea. For all of us here at Action News...