When is Free Speech Not Free Speech in America?
about right now in Worcester, Massachusetts?
by Ben Dobson (11-25-01)
In Worcester, Massachusetts a group called "Worcester Peace Works"
has been protesting US- led military action against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
They gather on the corner of Lincoln Square in the city every Tuesday afternoon
and silently hold signs encouraging alternatives to war.
Again, say what you will about these people's viewpoints. Regardless of whether
you agree with them or not, they have a Constitutional right to be there.
I have covered their peace vigils about four times in the past two months,
and each time I have been appalled by how they were treated by passersby.
While some supported them, a frightening number of people held out their middle
fingers, rolled down their windows and shouted obscenities, and others have
outright threatened their lives.
Unfortunately, a civilized world may already be gone in Worcester, and it
was not the terrorists who brought it on.
But more disturbingly, perhaps, was the use of police surveillance against
the group. A woman who would not identify herself approached the group and
began taking individual photographs of the people holding signs. She refused
to say who she was and fled on foot when more people started confronting her.
One peace member was able to snap a photograph of her before she got away.
A uniformed police officer standing near the peace group apparently told the
members that she was taking surveillance photographs of the crowd for the
Worcester Police Department.
Calls to the police department by both my news organization and others were
not returned. Once again in American society, there is no one policing the
police, and the department could not be held accountable for its actions.
The Worcester Peace Works wrote to Worcester Police Chief James Gallagher
with their concerns, and he returned their inquiry with a written reply.
The group respectfully declined to share the contents of the letter with
the media, citing the fact that it was personally addressed to them. However,
Newsworthy Online was able to obtain an internal memo with the contents
of the original letter which was distributed to the City Councilors by
Worcester's City Manager (see sidebar).