My Piece John Walker Lindh -- what to do, what to do. I have a modest suggestion. Send him back to Afghanistan. In the Union that proclaims itself to be the freest in the world, it is illegal to fight for another state against that very same Union? That is hypocritical and paradoxical. If John Walker wants to fight with the Afghani's, it is not this Union of Freedom's right to stop him. It is our right to treat him just like every other Afghani prisoner of war. Recently, Claremont, NH rejected a proposed youth detention center being placed in the town. Their reason: they were afraid it would tarnish the image and reputation of Claremont. It seems hard to tarnish the reputation of a town that already has the reputation of being a collection of whiners, who mismanaged their own education funding so poorly they sued their state in hopes other towns who managed their education funding correctly would be forced to spend their money on Claremont. It seems hard to tarnish the reputation of a town that put the financial future of the state in doubt while giving democrat government to the courts. Seems to me a youth detetion center would do nothing more than help the reputation of Claremont. I was recently stopped in Litchfield, NH by the most professional officer I have ever encountered. Upon approaching my car, he introduced himself and also explained why I had been pulled over. He then politely asked for my license and registration, and politely handed me a warning before bidding me a nice night. This gentleman, whose name I do not remember and can not read on the warning, should be comended as the example of what a police officer should be. By the way, incase you were wondering I was stopped for not staying inside lines. It angers me that the statue of the three firefighters lifting the flag at Ground Zero will most likely include minorities. Three white heros lifted that flag in a moment of unbridled naturalism that brought pure emotion down to its basic level. It is not anyone's right or place to change history. If the three men had been 1 African-American and 2 Hispanics the idea of erecting a white person instead of one of the Hispanics would be unheard of. It would draw criticism so large Reverend Sharpton would chain himself to the site to prevent the erection of the statue. If a statue is constructed that contains any person of any race besides a white race, then the statue does not represent the heroics enacted on that day, but rather represents a harsh reverse racism that is becoming more and more prevelant every day in our Union. And if that statue represents anything besides the event that actually occured, I can assure you this Syrian male will never take his children to that memorial. A few weeks ago Taxachusetts Acting Governor Jane Swift gave her State of the State Address. I must say, I thought Swift delivered a very poised, articulate, well expressed and well presented speech. That is, if she had been addresing the North Adams Elementary PTA. It would have been much more appropriate for Swift to be expressing her displeasure with the disorganization of the first grade bus line than her displeasure of the Taxachusetts economy. Will she be considered a one term governor or a part-term governor? Matt LeBlanc is from Manchester, New Hampshire, and he gladly accepts questions and comments at mleblan1@ic3.ithaca.edu |