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My Piece
Matt LeBlanc (1-2-02)

So the United States' war of aggression against Afghanistan continues. Most recently, the United States has bombed a convoy of supporters of the new coalition government, killing 57. This is disturbing and counterproductive. If someone wants to explain the point of bombing supporters of the new government please drop me a line. In my opinion, the United States should be supporting this new, free, democratic government, not working to destroy it. Of course, the rest of the world did not let the United States install a pro-US murdurous dictator this time, unlike in Central and Southern America, and South Vietnam. Given this, I guess W. Bush and his Cabinet buddies have some reason to be a little upset. I think to combat this, the United States should invite Afghanistan to join our Union. We have destroyed their state and killed between 2,700 and 5,000 of their people. (Interesting how we keep hearing about the World Trade Center death toll, but not once from a major network has anyone heard the Afghanistan death toll.) It is the least we can do to help boost their economy, and raise them from that third-world standing we have labeled them with. Let's face it, if Wyoming and Montana weren't part of the Union, they would be considered third-world. Plus, no matter which state the worlds self-proclaimed police force, the US, picks out of a hat to attack next to keep W's ratings up (it looks like they might have drawn Somalia's name, stay tuned), the US will have one of their own states in the area which means no more barganig with these Saudi Sheiks. Also, admitting Afghanistan as the 51st state would surly boost the economy, because 103 million people who have either stuck United States flags on their vehicles or put one on their house, would have to by a new one with 51 stars on it. Goodbye Recession.

And while we are on the topic of the United States, pulling out of the Anti-Ballistic missle treaty might be one of the dumbest moves W has made to date. There are provisions in the treaty that allow for the development of a missle defense system, just not for the activation of one. The United States is at least 5 years -- probbaly more -- away from developing a working missel defense system. Why leave the treaty now and anger the Russian Federation, a country that the US was quickly becoming friends with? I can only think of one reason: Putin is the most popular leader in the World right now. W's stock has dropped, and he's feeling a little jealous of Vlady. He needed to do something to boost his ego; this was it. Russia and every other state around the world condemed the move, even the United States' close friend the European Union. Putin's response was to get a new best friend, and now he and Tony Blair, the second most popular leader in the world right now, are smooshing it up on Downey Street.

New Hampshire Senator to the United States Bob Smith has hit a new low. Feeling the heat in the race for the 2002 Senatorial elections because most polls have John Sununu beating Smith by 15-20 points in a primary, the Smith camp decided to label Sununu as a supporter of Terrorism. Sununu, who is a Palestinian/Lebanese American, had a fund raiser held by Arabic-American Lawyer George Salem. Salem is currently representing the Holy Land Foundation, though it is against a lawsuit, not in their case against the United States for freezing their funds due to their supporting Hamas. If Bob Smith is actually trying to loose the election, then this move was brilliant. No one, and I mean absolutly no one, supports attacking a person's racial background and then making a link from that background to Terrorism that even Kevin Bacon couldn't connect. Smith supporters have condemed him, W has condemmed him, and even the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has condemmed him. Of course keep in mind that Bob Smith is the idiot that left the Republican Party in 1998 after he gave a William Jennings Bryan type speech on the Senate floor denouncing the Party, and proclaiming he was pursuing the presedency as an independent. After he realized that half the people in New Hampshire, let alone the rest of the Union, had no idea who the heck he was, he came limping back with his tail between his legs. It aboslutly behooves me that he has been elected twice, of course he did just barely beat Dick Sweat back in 1996.

As I was out purchasing some presents the other day, this question struck me: Does business at the Christmas Tree Shop pick up at Christmas time?

Amtrak has begun the "Downeaster" rail service between Portland and Boston. Hooray for Amtrak, which though it is almost as poorly run as the Postal Service and is in just as much debt, it still is able to begin new service. This is great for the coastline economy's of Taxachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. This train makes it very easy, especially in this road congested holiday season, to move between the two cities for less than the cost of gas in your SUV. I hope this service catches on, because take it from me, if you are traveling from Boston to Portland, there is no easier way, and if you feel the need for an inexpensive, weekend getaway from Taxachusetts, (and trust me - YOU ALL NEED ONE) go spend the weekend in the enchanting city of Portland. Also,
I hope this plan to move Amtrak control to the states goes through. It is very sad that it took decades of Federal Mis-Control and wasted taxpayers' money to realise the federalist approach is the correct one.

And finally, while you are sitting with your families enjoying your American freedom this holiday season, I ask to you to keep in mind as the United States continues to take over the world with our treaties and military aggression, what the great John Adams, the second and finest president of this Union said, "If we look into history, we shall find some nations rising from contemptible beginnings and spreading their influence, until the whole globe is subject to their ways. When they have reached the summit of granduer, some minute and unsuspected cause commonly affects their ruin, and the empire of the world is transferred to some other place."
Matt LeBlanc is from Manchester, New Hampshire, and he gladly accepts questions and comments at

In my opinion, the United States should be supporting this new, free, democratic government, not working to destroy it.

(courtesy: AP)

Also, admitting Afghanistan as the 51st state would surly boost the economy...
W's stock has dropped, and he's feeling a little jealous of Vlady. He needed to do something to boost his ego...
New Hampshire Senator to the United States Bob Smith has hit a new low...
Amtrak has begun the "Downeaster" rail service between Portland and Boston.
When they have reached the summit of granduer, some minute and unsuspected cause commonly affects their ruin...