Things You're Apt to Hear at a Live Shot
  • "Are you the government taping everybody here?"
  • "Can I get on TV too?"
  • "What station are you from?"
  • "I always thought I'd be a good TV reporter..."
  • "Shut that camera off, you can't tape me!!"
  • "I watch Channel 7 all the time!"
  • "Your station rules, I watch all the time..."
  • "Your station blows. It's so boring to watch."
  • "What's the news of the day?!"
  • "Can you give me my own private news?"
  • "Who does your make-up?"
  • "Where is the woman who usually does the news?"

We'll stop it at that first ten for now. As more live shots come, you can be sure more comments will be on the way.

Things our Intern Heard at the Live Shot
One of our interns at Newswatch 3, Jill, sat by our equipment while my photographer I were inside City Hall doing interviews. She got some classic pick-up lines...

-- "What are you recording?"
J: "We're doing a live shot for the 6:30 news.."
-- "Well I'm recording you on my mind forever..."

--"Why are sitting there watching TV when you could come to my apartment and watch TV with me..."

--"Why aren't you up there with the high people? Because you'd be the highest on my list...."